Malaria is a serious and sometimes fatal disease transmitted by mosquitos. Malawi is a high-risk malaria area throughout the year. Precautions are necessary. Avoid mosquito bites by covering up with clothing such as long sleeves and long trousers, especially after sunset, using insect repellents on exposed skin and, when necessary, sleeping under a mosquito net.
Ask your GP for suitable prophylactic antimalaria tablets and/or standby emergency treatment.
If you develop any flu-like feverish symptoms after being in a malaria then seek immediate medical attention.
Most nationalities, including those within the EU, British, American, Australian and Canadian, can and should get their visa at the airport upon arrival. Some nationalities will require that your visa is arranged in advance so check with the Malawian e-Visa website to establish your visa requirements well in advance of your trip - https://www.evisa.gov.mw/. Please ensure that you state you are a TOURIST on holiday, not here to work, and ensure that the immigration official gives you a 30-day tourist visa. These can be renewed easily, if required, during your stay.